Tupperware Holy Guacamole!

Tupperware Holy Guacamole!

We have four tasty ways to make guacamole to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!


We also have the perfect tool to make them at a discounted price!


Tupperware Smooth Chopper makes light work of chopping, making these recipes effortless!


The Classic Guacamole Recipe

1) Put 1/2 a red onion, 1 or 2 fresh chillies and a handful of fresh coriander into the Smooth Chopper and blitz.

2) Scoop the mixture out into one of our Tupperware Bowls - the choice here is varied depending on your requirements.  Squeeze the juice of 1-2 limes using the Cooks Maid and add to the mix.

3) Scoop out the flesh of 3 ripe has avocados and blitz, adding to the onion, chilli and corriander and mix. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Decorate with coriander leaves.


The Basil Guacamole Recipe

1) Halve 2 cups of cherry tomatoes, put on a Tupperware Silicone Baking Sheet, and sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Bake at 425F for 15-20 minutes until soft. Cool completely.

2) In the Smooth Chopper, chop 1/4 cup of red onion, 1/2 cup fresh basil and a clove of garlic. Set aside in a Tupperware Bowl.  the juice of a lemon squeezed in the Cooks Maid.

3) Blitz 4 avacados in the Smooth Chopper and add to the mix. Season with salt and pepper.

4) Gently fold in 1/2 of the cool tomatoes, then top with the remaining tomatoes and a few basil leaves and serve.


The Bacon Guacamole Recipe

1) Blitz 3 spring onions, a clove of garlic and 1-2 tomatoes in the Smooth Chopper. Set aside in a Tupperware Bowl.

2) Blitz the flesh of 4 ripe avacados and add to the mixture, together with the juice of a lime, salt, pepper and crushed red pepper.

3) Add 1/4-1/2 cup of crumbled feta and 6 rashers of cooked crispy streaky bacon which has been crumbled. Fold the mixture together and decorate with some of the bacon and feta.


The Creamy Guacamole Recipe

1) Use the Smooth Chopper to blitz 1/4 cup red onion, 1/4 cup tomatoes, 1 tablespoon chopped corriander and 1/2 a jalapeño. 

2) Bitlz a large avacado and add to the mix, together with 1/4 cup greek yoghurt, 1 teaspoon of lime juice and salt and pepper.

3) Sprinkle with chopped tomato and a few corriander leaves.


Enjoy your 5th May!

Tupperware Smooth Chopper











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