About Us


If you've not looked at Tupperware lately, then you are in for a treat! I am passionate about it and look forward to helping you discover, or rediscover the new world of Tupperware! 

My name is Alison Lester, and I first sold Tupperware 35 years ago. I love these products and aim to give you the best possible experience, so contact me for more information and let's chat!

In an age when disposable plastic is a huge problem, I regularly have customers who tell me that they are using the same items that they bought 50+ years ago and still love them.  Our products are designed to last longer, contaminate less and preserve food.  Reusing prevents single use plastic waste.

Questions to help you decide if you need Tupperware ....

  • Do you ever find shrivelled up contents at the back of the fridge in their supermarket plastic packaging?
  • Do you find dried out items in the fridge that were not protected properly?
  • Are your cupboards well organised...do you know what you have or do you sometimes buy duplicates before you finish what is already there?
  • When you clean out your cupboards do you ever find out of date items you had forgotten about?

These are just a few examples, and if this is you read on....

Your choices matter not only to the environment, but also to your pocket. If you choose the right container for your food, then it will last longer, save on waste and therefore save you money. Furthermore, if you can then store your food for longer, you can make less trips to the supermarket, saving you time and of course the cost of travel.

Organisation is also key.  If your cupboards are well organised, you can see what you have and will know what to shop for.  

Tupperware can sometimes feel like an investment, but if you look at how much food you waste because it is not stored correctly, Tupperware will soon pay for itself in reducing the waste. 


Every year in the UK, we throw away 18% of the food we buy. (Love Food Hate Waste)

On average a UK family will throw away about £810 of food per year. (Wrap – Retail Survey 2019) ...is that you?


Do any of the manufacturers of your current storage give you a 10 Year Guarantee like we do?



If you would like to know more about the history of Tupperware and how it is made, then take a look at the following video